Thursday, November 18, 2010

life and stuff

Hello blogging world! I can't believe Jesse and I are here in Mississippi another week or so, and then we leave, we're leaving the Saturday after Thanksgiving and heading to Arkansas to spend some time with my family before heading back to cold and snowy Minnesota. This summer has flown by and it has been a blast spending time with my extended family down here, I will be very sad to leave, but I will just think about everything happy that went down this summer.

I had my HSG test a week from this past Tuesday, and oh my goodness it hurt like I've never felt pain before. Basically the doctor puts dye up the fallopian tubes just to check them out and make sure everything is ok. They have to administer this test before they can prescribe you any sort of fertility meds. I'm so glad it's over, and we made a doctor appt with my OB back in Minnesota for the week after we get back, and hopefully she will be able to put me on Clomid. I'm trying not to get my hopes up yet, but I can't wait for the day I'm actually on it and can maybe start getting my hopes up.

Jesse has been in Minnesota the last few days, he had to fly out there to test with a police dept that is hiring a couple of cops. They tested about 340 people though, and will only pick a few of the top people to actually interview. We'll pray Jesse is one of them, but the job market, especially for cops, is so difficult still. But whatever happens, happens, and we know the Lord is in control.

As much as I'm not looking forward to not going back to Minnesota because of the cold and because I have to say goodbye to family, we are very much looking forward to leaving this small hotel room and having an apartment again and a real kitchen. It's kind of ironic, we kept thinking our apartment was small and my kitchen there was tiny, but after having the living situation we've been in the past few months, I will be so grateful to be in our apartment and my actual full sized kitchen. I've so missed having an oven!

I'm also looking forward to really trying to start up my makeup artist business when I get back too, so if any of you live in Minnesota and know of people getting married or needing makeup lessons or anything, please direct them to my website: I also have business cards if anyone wants to pass them around at work or to family and friends. I love making people feel beautiful and I love creating beautiful faces and letting people's inner beauty shine through.

A friend of mine has been helping me with my clothing style lately, I knew I was just getting way too lazy and casual with my outfits and since I want to continue being a music teacher and go farther with my makeup business, I knew I wanted to start dressing more business casual, but didn't really know how. She has given me so many helpful tips and some basics to get, so I've been doing some shopping over the past couple of weeks and have picked up some awesome must have basics for my wardrobe. Dark wash jeans, blazers/jackets, scarves, printed tops, bracelets/chunky rings, boots, etc. She said the key was to get classics that don't really ever go out of style, and you can make all different kinds of outfits with them, and so far I'm loving my new look.

Wow, I hadn't realized how much I hadn't shared about our life lately, so there ya go, for anyone who was interested. Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Yall havea lot going on! I hope your make-up business picks up really well when you get back home. Send fashion tips my way... :D
