Monday, April 4, 2011

Baby news and springy things

I sure have been neglecting my poor blog lately, so sad. I will start out this post by saying, praise the Lord I am finally feeling better and I believe I have finally hit the "honeymoon" phase of my pregnancy, now that I am in my second trimester and will be 15 weeks tomorrow! Yay! I still have smells that bug me every now and then, and I still get extremely exhausted very easily, but the sickness is pretty much gone and I am cooking again and today I am actually doing some apartment spring cleaning - it has been much needed. It is so wonderful to actually feel like doing these things again, so while I feel good, I'm taking advantage of it.

Our little sweet pea is doing exceptionally well, growing like a weed, and we got some really good ultrasound pictures at the DR office the other day, we got a really cute one of the feet, our baby totally has Jesse's long feet and toes, I love it! :) And I know I felt the baby move the other night, I rolled over on my stomach and after a couple of minutes felt a few gloopy taps on my side as if sweet pea was saying, "Stop squishing me mommy!" It was a shocking and lovely experience! I can't wait until baby is bigger and I can feel it even better. We can't wait for the next 5 weeks to fly by because then we get to find out what sweet pea is - boy or girl, pink or blue, another little Anna or another little Jesse.

Until then, I have an exciting trip planned to Maine in exactly 2 weeks and I absolutely cannot wait! I haven't seen my best friend Julie in a year and that is just entirely too long. We get to spend 10 days together, eating Chinese take out, snuggling on the bed watching movies and having girl talks, maternity clothes shopping, makeup application I'm sure, yummy breakfasts, and so much more. We hope to take lots of pictures and make tons of memories! Then at the end of May, Jesse and I get to go to Arkansas to visit my family and show off my baby belly, and have a big church shower with all my family and friends. That will be a lot of fun!

We have been looking for a town home the past month, this apartment is growing too small and we know once the baby comes, we really need a washer and dryer - going over to the in laws with tons of baby stuff to wash would just be too big of a hassle. And we need more room, and Jesse really wants a dog. Oh, and our 3rd floor apartment gets WAY too hot in the summer! So yeah, lol, for all those reasons, we are looking for a town home in the area to rent. We will hopefully be moving into one by June 1st, so that will be exciting - hopefully we find something awesome.

It is SO nice today, I have the windows open while I'm doing some spring cleaning, and its making the apartment smell so good! I've waited months to be able to do this, and its just making me a happy little camper. I think that's about all the update I was planning on doing, so I'd better get back to cleaning and throwing away!

For fun, please share your favorite spring/summer food dish - something yummy and not too heavy! I can't wait to hear what you recommend!