Thursday, April 5, 2012


Yep so if you follow me on facebook and read my latest status announcement, you will see that our big news is that we are moving to Pensacola Florida the first week of August.

The Lord has opened a ton of doors, and since we haven't ever really gotten settled here in Minnesota, and since our lease is up at the end of May we feel as if it's time to try a new place. We will be staying with some good friends the last couple of months we are here, they have very generously offered us their entire finished and empty basement. Thanks Margo and Derek!! Ya'll are the best!

I am so looking forward to being back down south after almost 6 years of living in the north since I got married. I have tried to be brave and have tried to survive here in the cold north, but it's been extremely hard for me. And northern people can be a wee bit distant and cold themselves, I know they don't mean to be, but I grew up in the south where everyone was just so friendly and welcoming and you had parties and get togethers all the time. I miss that.

We will be staying with my grandmother in Pensacola in her big house for a few months while we get settled and look for a house - and then of course two of my aunts live just minutes away from my grandmother. I am so excited about this new adventure, the move will be difficult but worth it.

I can't wait to live so close to the beach, be near southern people again, hopefully not see snow again (until we visit family back here in MN,) be around my extended family and a couple hours closer to my family, and also visit a lot of southern churches until we find the right one - I love southern churches, people are so friendly.

We will definitely miss all our family and friends up here in MN and it will be tough to say goodbye, but we are at peace knowing we are doing what we feel the Lord wants us to do and start a new chapter in our lives. Thanks in advance for all your prayers as we go through a lot of changes!