Ahhh yes, the love of reading and the love of books. I have finally started reading again - thanks to the encouragement of my husband. He has three goals this year, all pertaining to there being 52 weeks in a year, and I decided to add the goals to my list. They are:
Go on 52 dates with each other
Read 52 books
Memorize 52 verses
I think this is a great list - and I have already finished my first book, the first Harry Potter book, and I must say I adored it. I have a huge imagination, and I was an avid reader as a child, I think the more TV and movies I watch the more I stray from books, sad I know. But there are so many times I miss just sitting down with a good book and imagining in my brain what the characters look like, painting scenes in my head, etc.
My brother in law introduced me to Harry Potter, for so many years I was kind of told to think that the Harry Potter books were evil and of the devil, when really it's just an amazing, articulate, imaginative series that opens the world to wonderful things in your head! I am amazed so far at how the author can come up with so many character, stories and details, what a talent. I also just watched the first movie as well after I finished the first book - I figure I will read a book, then watch the corresponding movie, and I loved the movie almost as much as the book.
As far as the other two goals, I really need to get my butt moving on deciding which scripture to memorize each week, I'm behind already, lol. Any ideas on some good scriptures to memorize?
And as far as the dates, we are one down and 51 to go....;)