Monday, March 15, 2010

A New Week

A new week is here, and goodness, life seems to be flying by so quickly. The older I get, the quicker time flies. I'm sure all of my readers who are older than me can definitely attest to that fact. Oh and just an FYI, I did start my period, it was just brought on by several days of weird spotting - but thinking back to when I did have periods before ever going on birth control, this period resembles what my periods used to look like - so I'll take that as an encouraging sign that my body is really trying to get things back to normal.

In other exciting news, Jesse and I fly to see our best friends in Maine in only 15 days!! We leave the 31st and stay for an entire week! I absolutely cannot wait, while I do have so many awesome friends with whom I love to hang out, there is nothing like visiting your best friend in the whole world, she understands me and loves me like no one else does, (besides my husband of course).

In other news, the Lord truly convicted me last week that I was not spending time in the Word like I should, and not putting Him first in the morning after I would get up, so He was very gracious and has allowed me to change that, and I'm very grateful that He doesn't give up on giving me gentle reminders. Putting Christ first in the mornings really does give me different and more positive outlooks on life, and it does wonders for my marriage.....fancy that. :) And it's such a small yet monumental change I can make in my life every day.

So let me ask you, have you spent time in the Word today?


  1. Hope you have a great time on your trip. :) You have been looking forward to it for a long time, haven't you? (I seem to remember you saying something about it on FB)

    Have a great day!

  2. Yes, I did...thanks for the accountability=). I ended up reading some last night before bed and woke up early, early to do my quiet time. I'll probably crash after lunch=)!

    Glad you get to go on a trip to see your friend. Hope it will fill your heart with much joy!

  3. It must be the first thing...really! Feasting on the Word, hearing His voice first, truly does prepare our hearts as nothing else can for the day He has for us. It moves us to love Him more, worship Him more, and on and on and on.

    On another note, I just want you to know that I'm praying for you...that God would bless you with that precious baby you are aching for. Praying, praying, praying.
