Monday, April 19, 2010

Encouraging Changes

Hey everyone! I need to do an update on how my body is doing, I haven't in a while. There are some encouraging signs, and that makes me hopeful, I just finished another period, which means that now, these last 2 cycles I have were only 30-31 days! 2 cycles in a row! I haven't had that "normal" since I was on the birth control pill, which is saying a lot. :)

I'm still losing weight, and doing really good with my eating - I'm getting more into the habit of having self control of what I put in my mouth, and my portions are a lot smaller. My goal is to be 135 lbs by the time I go see Julie again on June 18th and that's only 8 pounds away! And I've been losing a pound a week pretty much, so I have 8 weeks to lose 8 pounds, very doable.

Hopefully my body really starts getting on track, especially since next month will be two years since we got off birth control - perhaps that's the magic month for me, the two year mark, then my body will return to normal and ovulate like it's supposed too. I'm sure praying that's how it is!

I've had a few challenging moments this past week as I was getting off my period, it was funny, because I had NO PMS leading up to this latest period, it just started and very much surprised me. I had more moodiness towards the end and was really struggling with not being a mommy - it hurt so, especially when I have a very close friend who's pregnant and definitely wasn't planning on the pregnancy. It made me mad too, because I've been having such a good attitude lately and leaving it up to the Lord, but when Satan gets me down about not being able to be a mommy, he really gets me down and I feel defeated.

But I'm okay now and I'm distracted again, we have company coming to visit and stay with us for a few days! They come on Friday, and we're very excited! The Lord is good to be constantly providing me with distractions, He knows I need them. :)


  1. The enemy is no gentleman and will continue to punch us when we are down. Good for you to recognize that. And woohoo for your weight loss! You are doing great, Anna.

  2. God is good to encourage us when we need it most.

  3. YAY! You are amazing:) Curious, have you been using OPK's to see if you are ovulating? Just curious! You encourage me so!

  4. Congrats on the weight loss!!! That is so exciting. :) The Lord is good at providing distractions when we need them most!

  5. Keeping you in my prayers...Stay strong and keep remembering the truth.

  6. Anna! I just found this blog through an update email you sent out a while ago (i don't check that email address very often!!) Anyway, I want you to know I am praying for you! I know you are seeking to please the Lord in this. Keep speaking Truth to yourself! I love you.

