Friday, January 28, 2011

God is so good!

Well here I am many hours later, and still just as excited as ever. Every time I think about it I get butterflies in my stomach and I can't hardly sit still. Over the past 2 and a half years I've thought so many times that getting pregnant was just impossible, and it was never going to happen to me, and I just didn't deserve it. But here I am, 2 and a half grueling long years later and the Lord has answered our prayers.

We only were on one round of Clomid as you all know, and it worked, guess that's all the jump start my body needed, praise the Lord. He is SO faithful, and I know there are so many lessons that I wouldn't have learned had I not gone through the experience I did. It's just so hard to believe that our baby journey is over, and now we are starting a new journey, our parenting journey, crazy to realize that!

I will never forget the trials and heartaches we went through to get here, it will always be fresh in my mind, it was a good portion of our married life and its not something that's easily forgotten. And because we went through so much and had to wait so long, this baby will be even that much more loved - I am already talking to my little one and telling him/her how much I love them and how very much they are wanted, and every time I do I want to cry tears of joy.

My heart SO goes out to my dear friends who are still in their baby journey and who are still having to go through heartaches, I will always be here for each and everyone of you and just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I haven't walked in your shoes and can't completely sympathize with with each of you. You know I've been there, and have hope, I thought we were never going to get pregnant, I thought things were hopeless, but God knew better. And I know even as I'm trying to encourage you, I remember when those that came before me would get pregnant after years of trying, I would think "Yeah right, my time will never come, it's not fair!" But just know I love you and I will always be here for you.

I made my first DR appt today, and it actually is on Valentines Day which will be the 8 week mark for me, what a great present! :) And just a few days after my 26th birthday too - February is going to be a fantastic month! We then have another appt on March 14th, and by then I'll be about 12 weeks along and we'll be able to hear my little precious one's heart beat! I so can't wait for that day.

I want to thank everyone who constantly prayed for us through this journey and wept with us when we wept and who are now rejoicing with us. God is SO good and SO faithful, He has shown Himself strong and proven Himself so much to me, I am in awe of how much He loves us!


  1. So happy for you, Anna. And you will get to hear that heartbeat (and see it, too, if you do an ultrasound) on that first 8 week visit. It's amazing!!!

    Happy for you!!

  2. Praising God with you and Jesse! We prayed for you last night and for a healthy baby! So, so happy for you friend.

    Will you have an ultrasound at your first appointment? I had one at 6 wks with Conner and could already see/hear the heartbeat on the ultrasound! It makes is seem even more real when you see baby!

  3. Yes! Rejoicing continually. :) Praying for the pregnancy to go so smoothly, dear. Can't wait to go shopping for maternity clothes with you when you pop out - if you'd like to. :) I know a few good spots around here.

  4. Congratulations to you! I came across your blog awhile ago and have been keeping tabs, I'm so happy to hear your good news! I know how joyful it can be to get pregnant after trying for a while - it took my body 11 months to actually ovulate after we quit birth control, and so when we saw that positive it was such a beautiful moment! I'll pray for a healthy pregnancy for you and your baby!

  5. I just came across your blog and I have to say... I could have written the exact words you are writing!! My husband and I have been married just over 3 years now and I am currently 9 1/2 weeks pregnant after 2 1/2 years of trying!!! God has been so faithful to us and has blessed us. I love finding others who are in my situation and it seems as though you are in the same exact situation. My blog is even called, Our baby journey!!! :) Congrats to you!! Praying you have a happy and healthy 9 months!
